Saturday, April 6, 2013

Furry or hung


Nicco said...

Do I really have to choose?

tonyitalian1951 said...

Number one has two perfect little eggs and a furry nest to place them. Number 6 reminds me of an Italian actor from the 60's I cannot remember his name though, I believe was Giannnini ? Oh well

Starched Collar said...

All for devouring Nicco :)

Starched Collar said...

t, is it Giancarlo Gianni? Franco Nero?

tonyitalian1951 said...

Starched Collar, I think you are right, the very hairy and furry Giancarlo Giannini. He should be around 70 or so if still in life

Starched Collar said...

I first saw him in Seven Beauties, playing an Italian sent to a concentration camp. Shirt off, or open, fur popping every where, but a depressing story - good movie, though. Love the opening narration.