Bounce step (reprise): Bstep
Being Colombian, I'm sure that Chase is not really this fellow's last name, but who knows? I could be wrong. Ever since I saw his bounce step and smile (and willy) in slo-mo a few years ago I've been ever-so-slightly obsessed with him. He smiles, I melt. The problem was I didn't know where to look to find him out, so I convened with Google's search by image, and he popped into view in all his sleek perfection. But I must confess a bias I have held since I was a small boy. I have a predilection for Latin men of all stripes, from the Iberian Peninsula to Cape Horn. I can't help it.
"Why does anyone do anything they shouldn't? Why do some people drink too much, some people smoke fifty cigarettes a day? Because they can't stop it, I suppose."
Major Pollock
Table Number Seven