Sunday, February 17, 2013


I have spent the past few days deleting, consolidating & tightening the posts that have made up this blog for the last 5 years.  With over 1,300,000 views, 10,000 views of my profile, and 200 followers, I have decided to do some house-cleaning.

I have always looked for things a bit out of the ordinary and will continue to do so.  Vintage imagery will always be a part of this blog. Also, I will never make this a commercial blog.  There is nothing more annoying to me than to be assaulted by pop-ups and flashing advertising.  I will also 'back date' stuff, which means that I will add new stuff to old posts to fill them out with things I have found.

Once again I must thank Craig at Porncake for his recognition that my blog had some potential - after an initial chat over 8 O'clock Coffee :)