Monday, January 21, 2019

El Cid

.. is all that the picture was tagged with when I found it.  I suspect it is an artistic study for painting or sculpture, and was most likely a glass plate negative (wet collodoin process) due to its scanned size.  It is probably early 20th century provenance, due to the presence of the ring of incandescent globes at the top of the column.  El Cid means 'The Lord' in Arabic, and this young fellow certainly captures all the power and beauty of the male form on 'horseback'.

A quote (gifted by a friend) in the first year of the blog

“It is not an accident that many homosexuals should show a special preference for sailors, for the sailor on shore is symbolically the innocent god from the sea who is not bound by the law of the land and can therefore do anything without guilt.”

W H Auden, 1950