Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bob Mizer was cute

Here he is, probably around the early 1940s.  With his photographic work he launched AMG after World War II - and re-invented the 'Blue Boy' magazine.


bob said...

I wish I could insert photos here, but if anyone knows who Jeff Lewis is, they look a lot alike. [Jeff Lewis is the guy from Bravo TV's show Flipping Out.] If I had to pick between the two, I'd choose Bob Mizer--better hair!

Starched Collar said...

HAHAHAHAHA. Oh, I have to check Lewis. Thanks bob :)

Anonymous said...

In the 1940’s Bob Mizer worked for Spartan of Hollywood as a photography assistant and as a one time model. From that experience he set up his own physique studio AMG :)

Deliciousdeity said...

Anon! I didn't know he was a model, but it makes sense, he is very finely formed. Thank you for the info!