Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hung, hairy & uncut - the Holy Trinity!


Nicco said...

Amen to this!

Starched Collar said...

And he has an Xtube addy as well, Nicco!

Starched Collar said...

Here is a link to him taking his tool in hand...

tonyitalian1951 said...

Starched Collar:
I downloaded it. It is magnificent.

Nicco said...

Oh, he's so seriously diligent here.

Thank you!

Starched Collar said...

Hey fellas, a busy autumn! Apologies! Glad you like what you see. Excuse me Tony for being a bad correspondent!

tonyitalian1951 said...

It is ok Starched Collar. Incidentally what subject do you teach ? I did Spanish at the high school and college level, but have not done it in many years

Starched Collar said...

I will say I am an instructor, but I should leave it at that :) I envy your Spanish lessons. Latin culture is so... comforting!

tonyitalian1951 said...

Starched Collar:
Because of my european background, if not also my Italian heritage I did teach more of the Spain/amd its various independent states than Latin cultures. Although many yeras ago I did a presentation of the Mayas in Mexico and Incas in Peru at the local Community College I was teaching.
Thanks for your reply