Sunday, March 22, 2020

Glenn Bishop


Anonymous said...

Body beautiful Bishop made a small mint selling his image and a line of swimwear that paid for his college and his career as a chiropractor. Sad to say he was a homophobe. He stated in some physique mag that he was finished with being a physique model and was abhorred that gay men purchased his images. What the hell was Bishop’s thinking ? He denigrates the very people, who by purchasing his photos and swimwear, made his success possible.:(

Deliciousdeity said...

Anon, I did not know this! Interesting indeed, and thank you for that bit of history. As recently as a few years ago I sat on pictures of Levi Conely after his outspoken political sensibilities were revealed. But the man is just so damn gorgeous my What-the-fuck, I'd-rather-be-at-the-beach-than-march gay genes posted the pictures (and a video or two). I could get lost in his body hair, but his rabbit-hole politics are another story all together hahaha!