Saturday, July 31, 2021

The photography of Konrad Helbig


uptonking said...

Way ahead of his time. A few of these are incredibly striking. I don't care for the pics of the African males - it feel exploitative. But the others feel quite natural. The first one is striking. The boy looking in the mirror, a classic. And the color shot of the men playing cards would make a great painting... like The Last Supper. So much going on in that photo. Thanks for sharing these. Your blog has become my favorite museum.

Fabrice said...

To have a talent like him, what a gift!
The italian pictures specially convey the essence of this marvelous country

Deliciousdeity said...

Hello uptonking! That meditative reign of the analogue! For me I think the black men are studio bound and I consider his photography so much a fresher presence in the world instead of in front of a seamless, but I understand. There are wonderfully striking ones! The other one you mentioned reminds me of CM Coolidge's picture of dogs playing poker :) I am sorry to have brought it down to kitsch (but I actually love that painting of dogs playing poker) haha! Museum! I am flattered, thank you.

Deliciousdeity said...

Fabrice, yes one of my favourites barely has people in it! The shot of the apartments with the laundry hanging, and just a lady in the doorway!