His name, from an Irish and Spanish coupling, means Island of the Sea, and Heath certainly played him to perfection in the film. He was all confusion, machismo, and tenderness wrapped in one inscrutable and destructive package. It's a gorgeous film, and they really are a pair of beautiful losers.
Quite tragic to watch, it nevertheless struck a chord in me the year it was released. Every player is left broken - and wanting. I had an itch to make a tribute video. Buried with hundreds of megabytes of other material on a drive, I recently found the tribute I had created in 2008 - the year I started this blog.
I had seen a tribute video earlier on YouTube, scenes from the film, with music chosen by a creator with the same kind of lovelorn interest that I held. I decided to make one myself, but it had to be the right music. And it had to be carefully edited.
I found a copy of the movie online, easily done back in those days, and started to shave and arrange things exactly as I wanted them. My little tribute of course never saw the light of day because of copyright infringement. Not only the clips, but probably more the music. That is all well and good, and understandable.
Since I take no money from this blog, and have you, my loyal and captive audience to indulge in my whims, I present it here now. Resurrected out of time and space, not that old, but old enough. Heath, long dead and gone.
While I always appreciate your many photo and art exhibitions (acts of wonder)... you write so articulately, I really wouldn't mind hearing your voice and thoughts here more often, my dear. This was lovely. Kizzes.
Well , Mate, what a beautiful thing to say. I will try, thank you.
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