Tuesday, July 16, 2024

World Naked Bike Ride 18

Here are another 17 sets, connected: WNBR 17
Please excuse any repeats, there are so many sets sometimes I lose track ..


uptonking said...

Adore this event. Thanks for sharing these. Every year I look forward to seeing photos from this event. Kizzes. PS - personally, I can't imagine riding a bike nude... it hurts as is (those horrible seats)... with no buffer, I can only imagine it is much worse.

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tonyitalian1951@comcast.net said...

Tens and tens of bike riders with their sausages and meat balls up in the air enjoying themselves. Wish I was there with them. I cannot ride a bike though. Sorry. Tony Italian.

Deliciousdeity said...

Hello Upton! I love it too - men as they are! I know exactly what you mean. Loose skin needs to be protected for Christ's sake.

Deliciousdeity said...

Pity you cannot ride Tony, it is very good exercise. Likewise, my partner does not partake, but I am a fanatic on two wheels. Glad you enjoyed!

Deliciousdeity said...

Will do Mr. Fappy!