Wednesday, January 8, 2025

King Shit of Turd Mountain

Before my double digits my parents took my brother and I on one of those late 60s Fort Tours that every family seemed to take as a road trip in the old days.  Fort York, Fort Henry, and La Citadelle in Quebec City.  I wanted to take Fort Henry's mascot (a regimental goat named David) back to the farm with me.  Here I am in the catbird seat between stops, where, I'm not sure.  Since I was a kid I have held in great esteem our ingenious capacity for transporation engineering, especially in the Isambard Kingdom Brunel style.  Of dirigibles, massive passenger liners, and The 20th Century Limited.

Get a horse!  Get a horse!

Tim Holt as George Minafer
The Magnificent Ambersons


Naven1918 said...

You were pretty cute, PP!! That is a Grand Trunk engine you are sitting in...!

Deliciousdeity said...

Yes quite right Naven! I have a vague memory of stepping inside that dark and greasy space. I admit, all the girls liked my curly hair. I only wish a boy had :)

Naven1918 said...

(; lol!