Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sylvia Sleigh & her muse Paul Rosano


Here is the artist herself.  She kept coming back to Rosano time and again as a source of inspiration.  Her philosophy was to present men in the Neoclassic or Romantic tradition that men had put women in, putting the question of gender objectification on it's head, so to speak.  It was her enduring mark as a modern artist. 

5 comments: said...

Delicious Deity: Paul Rosano has/had a rather feminine looking face, but his cock and hairy chest is/was a different story. Nice presentation. Is either or both still alive. His afro hair looks rather 70's. Please let me know. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Lovely drawings in this post Mr. Starchy Collar! - G in the yyz

Deliciousdeity said...

She passed away about a decade ago I believe Tony. Paul Rosano himself has been making music. He can be heard on N.O.S. Back in Time, released to Spotify and others in 2018!

Deliciousdeity said...

Thank you G! And Happy Birthday (March 30th)! said...

Thanks bud. Hope you are well. Be safe and healthy.