Friday, May 19, 2023

Apologies, I will return shortly ..


uptonking said...

I, like you, my dear... have been going through 'stuff'. It's all I could do to keep focused on my blog, which remained the only constant. I'm twirling down like the seed from a silver maple, about to land any moment now. Just getting on with things. The puzzle pieces have sorted themselves and I am making more sense of it - this new life. Taking the summer off to reprogram my brain. Sometimes time away is the only way. Kizzes.

Deliciousdeity said...

I can't put my finger on it. it deserves an explanation Upton, a post all its own. When I used to hear Peter Cetera sing 'If You Leave Me Now' on the radio and the DJ would cut off the ending by a voice over as he sang "Ohhh Mama, I've just got to have your loving here .." I would always wait for that emotional part, that cri de coeur, and it would be ruined by the fucking DJ in the last 20 seconds. Anyway ..