Friday, June 23, 2023

Happy Pride Weekend

It's a weekend thing here.  I left work tonight and walked into the Trans March on Yonge as I emerged from College Station.  Tomorrow, the Dyke March, and on Sunday the monster, Toronto's Pride Parade.


Naven1918 said...

What wonderful memory the two of you created. It was a soothing read!

Deliciousdeity said...

Cheers Naven, I'm glad it soothed you! I suspect this is why I write a lot of these memoirs. They wash over me, and they are, thankfully, mostly good, even if bad (if you understand my meaning). There is a lesson in everything I guess. As a teacher (now a past life, haha) I used to not hang skeletons in the classroom during Halloween. I knew it would haunt the refugees that I was teaching English who had come from civil wars and real strife that I couldn't imagine. I can sleep peacefully. It's a rare commodity these days.