Thursday, April 22, 2021

Queer Habibi

Queer Habibi is an artist and activist using his talent to shine a light on the difficulties of being different in the Muslim world of nanny states.  The above testimonials look at a Kurdish point of view.  Queer Habibi is on Twitter and has a Redbubble site too.  His posters and postcards are richly saturated and feature the above images, among many others.

Growing up in Canada with gay military marriages and gay members of parliament and gay adoption, I simply can't imagine how tough it must be.  Having to dodge war, ethnic strife, and a culture that insists on marriage and children relatively early, needing to navigate one's sexuality on top of that is more than dizzying. It's heartbreaking.


uptonking said...

I can't imagine living under that gun. But then, I also can't imagine that in this day and age people aren't over it yet and that sort of oppression continues. Love BaghDaddy and the Grindr coin machine. Spot on. Thanks for sharing. You have such a careful eye. Kizzes.

Deliciousdeity said...

Living under a gun is quite an apt analogy. I'm rarely political in this blog, but his striking and erotic imagery set me off. As always, thanks for your commentary!