Monday, April 26, 2021

The organic blasphemies of Marc Debauch

It was this image above, of a boy shaving, which I stumbled upon while I was searching with some general key words.  The shaving boy image was almost a thumbnail, but I was able to read Marc's name in the bottom right corner.  I found the boy's lathered face and bare ass quaint and erotic, and it got me interested to search out a larger image and more of Marc's work.  Little did I know that he would show me that he is willing (and able) to take on the mythic, the pagan, and the Christian canon with equal ease.  I am not sure if his last name is a nom de plume or not.


uptonking said...

Great job finding so much of his work. It's fun discovering things on the net. Not familiar, but appreciate his visions. And Judas! Naughty thang. :) Thanks for sharing.

Deliciousdeity said...

Haha, thanks. I had no idea I was going to come upon challenges to the Holy See when I went searching :)