Tuesday, May 25, 2021

I found work

After 10 months of trying, having been laid off from my previous post as professeur due to you-know-what, I have found employment.  This means that I may not be posting with the relative verve seen in the last few months, but as I am a believer in la longue durée, I am not going away.  Unless, of course, I am squashed by a faceless algorithm.  Cheers all, and I will see you shortly.


Fabrice said...

Happy for your good news but please find time to post. A visit to your blog is always a pleasure and not just for the photos. Good luck !

Deliciousdeity said...

Ah Fabrice! Very kind of you! Yes, after an initial bump of training and settling in I will make a reappearance. I appreciate your comment!

uptonking said...

Oh, honey... you got verve to spare. You take it wherever you go! And you GO! Congrats on the new PO-SIT-ION. Kizzes. And Best of luck. You are a star.

Deliciousdeity said...

Hahahaha thanks :) Like the meme says: You are gold baby. Solid gold. Thanks for bucking me up all these months!

canoetoo said...

Been following and enjoying your posts for some time now. Best of luck in your new job.

Deliciousdeity said...

Hey there canoetoo, it was very nice to see your comment! Thank you for the encouragement. It will take me a bit of time to settle in, but after that I will make time for this space :)