Later I looked in my email folder and found 6 messages in the spam. They detailed the posts that had been erased and warned that if I continued in like fashion my whole blog would be removed. They were the very posts that I myself had been re-wording or consolidating. I suppose this is a lesson not to meddle with the past.
A few years ago I read a post by the fellow who runs a Tumblr I enjoy called We Had Faces Then. It is a blog mostly about old Hollywood. He was frustrated by the fact that his pictures were being flagged as obscene because the algorithm that was patrolling them picked up the curve of a bosom or a jutting naked elbow. This was after the great reckoning when Tumblr went 'clean'.
In my case the offending content was textual. If any of you have seen the film The Day the Earth Stood Still you will know who I mean when I mention Gort. He is the policeman, a machine intelligence. So, although I included a picture from 1984 in this post, the great difference is that in this case there are surely no human agents behind it. It's an algorithm.
Not sure what to do now, and not even sure what I did wrong. As content goes, mine is rather innocuous. I feel a bit like a marked man haha. I admit that I have been quite active here lately, having lost my job due to COVID-19. I doubt that this diary is of any great import, and in the greater scheme of things is not really seen by that many people, some thousands a day only (on a good day haha).
Summer is slowly arriving up here in Canada. Maybe I'll lay low for the season. Biking weather has arrived and my mechanic says my wheels are ready to be picked up. I'll think about it and let you know. Cheers.
Your blog is just a victim of the unpredictable way the system goes. It is a site where one goes to see and enjoy,elegant, always in good taste, not a whiff of porn. I would say that what you offer and what one sees is a "conversation" between "des gens cultivés". Wishing you good luck
Same thing happened to me... though I am not sure about the emails. I went in and switched from standard protection to enhanced protection. This is something that has to do with an update I performed on my laptop. I am hoping that will resolve the issue. It seems Windows now sees every site as a potential phishing site.
Ohh thank you fellas! I think you are right Fabrice, the goofy built-in redundancies of the system caught me up. Thank you for the understanding words, too. I will take a look at my protections Uptonking, thanks a lot!
It's ridiculous what you get Flagged for these days. Once I posted a image of a mans torso, but I removed any and all genitalia. I should add I replaced it with a bouquet of flowers, flagged. I truly believe they don't understand their system themselves.
Love it jr7, a sort of revenge floral hahaha. Perfect. I have experienced 'uncanny valley' though, and it was creepy. I was online with Bell telephone and had the chance to text with a rep. It was some minutes before I realised I was chatting with a machine. It was odd. Thanks for the comment :)
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