Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Joseph, homegrown

This kid has a pretty hilarious take on being an internet celebrity face.  He is refreshingly bullet-proof in his commentary.  Queen Anne Revival architecture is one of the constant parts of downtown living that I recognise, so it was only then that I realised he was Canadian, and from my city.  He lives up near Wonderland, but comes downtown to Queen Street to hit the clubs.  Canadian, but also Assyrian, he's a minority Iraqi Christian, probably part of the Church of the East, which also means he's uncut.  Double Wow.


uptonking said...

So, I would like to announce my engagement to... (what did you say your name was?) JOSEPH. Yes, Joseph. I am in LURVE. And we will live happily ever after, as I bake him pies and diddles me. Kizzes.

Deliciousdeity said...

HAHAHAHA. Isn't he just WOOF?! Pies, anything he wants :)